the joys of giving

The Joys of Giving

Your donation is an investment in changing lives.

Every contribution is tax-deductible to you and will be used to do the ministry work at Clinton UMC. 

Thank you again for your generosity!

Ways to Give Joyously

In Workship – Make giving a part of your worship experience by placing a check or cash in the offering plate.

Mail a Check – For your convenience, day or night, 365 days a year, we have a permanent locked mail box Just drop your gift in the slot.  Please write your name on the envelope prior to dropping.  Finance Team has a key to open and collect all offerings.

Online Banking – If you utilize online banking and bill pay, simply set up Clinton UMC as a vendor through the bill pay function and then initiate a payment to us. Please put your last name as the account number.  


This is the best option, to save our church processing fees, setting up a recurring donation based off your banks automated bill paying ensures 100% of your giving makes it to the church. 

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal – YES, we are now accepting credit cards. Go to the CUMC website and click on the DONATE button. If you have questions about this, please call the office.

Unique Ways to Give Joyously

UMCMarket – Don’t forget to visit the UMCMarket for your online ordering needs. The church receives a donation based on your purchases. Each store has different offers and the donation is for simply using this site Some stores you can shop are: Kohl’s, Sam’s Club, Old Navy, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, StubHub, Hobby Lobby, and buybuyBaby.

Can and Bottle Drive – If you have been accumulating cans in your house, the church would be happy to collect them as a donation.  We are always accepting empty cans and bottles for donation.

If you would like to make a special drop off OR, we will even pick-up. Contact the office to make arrangements.

Busch's Community Giving

Via your MyWay Account, select Clinton UMC. Every purchase you make we will earn rewards. Make sure to update your account quarterly.

Follow these simple steps to get set up:
  1. Go to and click on the down arrow beside Guest and Login if you know your email and password.  If you do not know your password, you can select password reset.
  2. Once you are logged in, click the down arrow besides your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select “Cash for Education.”
  3. Scroll down to the Cash for Education section and in Current Year and Current  Quarter, click the drop down to select your organization.  A list of organizations will come up. Scroll down until you see Clinton United Methodist Church and select.
  4. To the right, click on the box where it says “Add to Future.” This will then put CUMC in for the remaining quarters.
  5. Final step is to go to drop down arrow by your name and select “My Account”, then to the left of the screen select “Account Holder” , “Edit”,  check the box to “Receive Emails” from Busch’s and “Save.”  Note: Busch’s does not send out a ton of emails, maybe 1-2 a week is all.
  6. You can then go back up to your name and click on arrow and “Sign Out.”

Did you know, you can contribute to any of our ministries directly through this link?? Designate your charitable donation to ministries such as the Food Pantry, Memorial Fund, Mortgage Fund , or even our General Tithes and Offerings, by just clicking on the logo above. Without your engagement and support we would not be able to continuously serve our community to be more thriving and inviting for all. Put simply, you make what we do possible. We remain grateful for your generosity.

Jerry's Market Receipts

Did you know??? If you submit your receipts to the church, Jerry's Market will generously donate a portion of your purchase back as a charitable contribution. When you shop at Jerry's, please save your receipts and drop them off in the large glass jar labeled "Jerry's Market" next time you're at the church. It's so simple...all you have to do is save your receipts and turn them in!

PayPal Donations

Click on the PayPal image above to set up a reoccurring payment or just a one time donation. This can also be used to make a special payment. You will just want to make a note on your payment AND/OR send an email to with your special intentions.